Healthcare Service provider

Success Story

To enhance the security of their password management system, the healthcare service provider collaborated with TruSense.


Risk of Account Takeover (ATO) activities averted

Risk of Account Takeover (ATO) activities averted

TruSense became a strategic partner for installing security mechanisms and authentication processes

TruSense became a strategic partner for installing security mechanisms and authentication processes

The Story

This healthcare service provider initially was a company dedicated to underwriting property insurance in Colombia. Currently, the company offers P&C, life insurance, social security solutions, specialized services in the clinical laboratory, and consulting services for risk management and health-promoting entities.

The Goal

To enhance the security of its password management system by offering its employees and partners a password self-management process in case of forgetfulness.

The healthcare service provider required complete visibility of its employees and partners who are accessing customers’ sensitive data like medical records, insurance papers, etc. It was challenging for the organization to assess the danger of a data breach if an unauthorized person accessed sensitive data. The objective was to provide a secure channel where only authorized personnel could access sensitive data, lowering the possibility of a data breach or any other fraudulent activities.


Due to the recent increase in digital fraud, it was challenging for the organization to secure its customer’s data and prevent financial losses to the business. This was made possible and hassle-free with the help of TruScore.

The healthcare service provider raises SIM Swap Validation query to TruScore via API. The operator checks SIM Swap validation. If the SIM card is changed, the system triggers a security mechanism that prevents the employee/partner from accessing the account. The system then asks the user to either follow the two-factor authentication process or visit the office to update the password. If the SIM card was not changed, the employee/partner would receive the OTP by voice call.

Risk Score Solution


Risk of Account Takeover (ATO) activities averted

Risk of Account Takeover (ATO) activities averted

TruSense became a strategic partner for installing security mechanisms and authentication processes

TruSense became a strategic partner for installing security mechanisms and authentication processes

Services Used
